To make a GLUT application on the command line,.
You don't need to include gl.h and glu.h,įor an example, see the provided sample source code. You must have sudo/administrator privileges.
Which should install all the dependent packages, Ubuntu# sudo apt-get install freeglut3-devįedora/RedHat# sudo yum install freeglut-devel If OpenGL and/or GLUT is not installed on your system, If GLUT is installed, it will be visible as: OpenGL comes with the X11 installation, to verify, PNG, see the course note on these topics. Search path, and link with libraries such as GLEW, Expat, JPEG, and To find out how to specify command line options, add to header file If you're interested in using GLFW instead of GLUT, please refer to You can also try out someĮxamples with buffer objects and shaders.